The Ping Pong Room Live started out as a small, underground, salon-style comedy show in the basement of its founders, Gina Jarrin and Andy Keir. The original show consisted of just a few comics and guests, who were invited to a bare-bones, BYOB evening, in the “community room” of a residential building on the Upper West Side. The broken ping pong table was dusted off, covered with a tablecloth, and filled with wine, beer, and snacks. Twinkle lights replaced the overhead fluorescents, a makeshift spotlight was set up, a microphone stand was placed in front of an actual brick wall, and it was showtime! And the people poured in. Many who attended that inaugural comedy show immediately asked when the next one would be. The show was intended to be a one-off, but due to popular demand, there was a second -- this time with a musical guest -- and then a third, and a fourth. As the show became more professional and refined, word spread, and the audience expanded. Soon the show had outgrown the community room in the basement and moved to a bar on the Lower East Side. Well, a basement under a bar, to be precise. It was an “underground” show, after all. The legendary Max Fish bar, which had always been known for featuring artists, live music and unique entertainment, welcomed The Ping Pong Room (PPR) with open arms. The show continued to thrive and gather even bigger crowds. Writer-producer Keir wrote his first sketches for PPR, which were performed in Max Fish basement performance space. As notoriety continued to grow, so did the PPR line-up, and the audience. PPR is now performed at the famed Cabaret Theater at The Duplex (where every show has been sold-out), and at the St. Marks Comedy Club. The troupe consists of an ever-expanding group of politically savvy comedians, filmmakers, actors, television comedy writers, cartoonists, published authors, recording artists, singer-songwriters, and drag performers.

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